You may have heard that you need to learn how to cancel a job interview. Maybe you even have the job application form in front of you and have two minutes left to fill out the form before it expires. If that is the case, you may be wondering how to cancel a job interview. The process of canceling an interview is slightly different than just trying to reschedule it.
When you cancel an interview, you aren’t saying that you can’t go into the next interview. But what you are saying, albeit unintentionally, is that you have no interest in the position being offered at that time. Cancelling an interview is not the same as trying to rearrange a date or reschedule it. Instead, it is more like a final rejection. So how do you get around this?
When you first meet with the hiring manager to find out if you will be hired, they will often give you a time frame to evaluate your worth. The hiring manager wants to know how hard you worked for your previous employer, if there are any problems, and if you would consider going somewhere else. All of these things are quantified in how many hours you worked and what your overall job performance was. It is rare that hiring managers actually offer a second interview unless you have completely passed a background check. Therefore, when you ask yourself how to cancel a job interview, the most logical answer is: refuse to take the second interview.
There is really only one way how to cancel a job interview and it is also the reason why hiring managers don’t typically offer second interviews: you need to show them that you can cancel an interview, and Aloha Employment Agency Maui can help you with that matter. If you are serious about how to cancel a job interview and you have done all of the necessary background research, now is the time to show the hiring manager that canceling the interview will make you happy. Show them that the time you were offered to work somewhere was simply a mistake and you were offered another position at another company. Explain how this new position will make your life better and that your original position was not appropriate for you. Explain how the other position will be a better fit for you and your personal career goals.
When you get the interview, show the hiring manager that your decision to cancel was in the best interest of both parties. Let them know that you were unable to attend the interview because of a family emergency. If you can, use this time to arrange alternative arrangements for the time you were supposed to return. Be sure to advise the hiring manager that should they want to hire you, they will be receiving a phone call offering them the job and explaining that yes, you have been moved to another interview.
How to cancel a phone interview is a tricky subject matter for most people. You want to tell the hiring manager that you cannot come because you had to go to the hospital for a sprained ankle. However, it is more important to tell them that canceling the interview will allow you to get another interview. If you take the extra time to let them know that canceling will allow you another shot at the job, you will be much more likely to land the job of your dreams.
Aloha International Employment
430 Kele St #301,
Kahului, HI 96732, United States